Kibice Razem / piątek, 8 grudnia 2023 / Kategorie: Śląsk Wrocław Visit of Śląsk Fans at the Children's Home in Bierutów For the thirteenth consecutive year, fans of WKS from Bierutów and the Great Silesia Association visited the children at the Children's Home and the Bierutów Care and Educational Facility.Although Santa Claus arrives in December, the Śląsk fans from the Bierutów Fan Club have started the preparations back in September. Working together and in agreement, with the support of many friends, they started collecting funds for Saint Nicholas’s Day surprises for the kids.The Śląsk fans have conducted over 100 auctions, during which they managed to raise over 22,000 PLN. Thanks to the funds collected, the preparations began in October. Football, basketball, and volleyball courts were revitalized. The residents of the Bierutów facilities were also included in activities on the premises. Walls within the facility were renovated and decorated with graphics of „Śląsk Wrocław”.The culmination of the Saint Nicholas’s Day activities was the Monday visit by fans from FC Bierutów and the Great Silesia Association to the Children's Home in Bierutów. The guests brought with them bags filled with gifts. Each child received their dream gift from the Green Santa Claus, as well as club merchandise from the leader of the Ekstraklasa.The smiles on the faces of the gifted children were priceless! The emotions that accompany us in such moments further motivate us to take even larger-scale actions. In addition to gifts for the kids, various sports equipment was also donated to the facility (soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs, boxing equipment, tennis equipment, badminton training sets, table tennis sets, and much more). A digital camera also found its way into the hands of the caregivers.In the end, after the gifts were handed out, and the children sang a few songs, we head outside, where we collectively light the traditional Santa Claus Light. Of course, we do it the football fan way🙂We would like to thank all the big-hearted people who supported our efforts and auctions. Once again, we have shown that our fan community can do great things.Great Hearts 💚🤍❤️ Great Silesia Photo: Gosia Dw-FOTO Santa Claus in Orew Chorzów ZIELONO-CZARNY MIKOŁAJ Drukuj 2895 Tagi: English Powiązane artykuły Family picnic in Grabiszynek district
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