Kibice Razem / sobota, 9 grudnia 2023 / Kategorie: Stal Stalowa Wola GREEN AND BLACK SANTA CLAUS Ladies and gentlemen,Behind us are days filled with hard and long work.This year, preparations for St. Nicholas Day took us an exceptionally large amount of effort and energy, but...IT WAS WORTH IT 💚🖤We began our celebrations on Sunday, December 3rd.The first event we organized, along with our friends from TGM COMPANY, were „Moto Santa Claus rides”.At 11:00 AM, we gathered at Piłsudski Square in Stalowa Wola.We arrived there on motorcycles, quads, and cars.Meanwhile, THE GREEN AND BLACK SAINT NICHOLAS CREW arrived at the venue in a vintage Nysa!Wonderful children with their parents are waiting for us there.THE SAINT NICHOLAS CREW has Santa Claus hats, toffees, and sweet gifts for everyone. 🎁🎁We have special frames with us, in which both children and parents take commemorative photos with us.The next stop for THE SAINT NICHOLAS CREW is the District Specialist Hospital in Stalowa Wola.On site, we select a delegation that goes to the pediatric unit with sweet presents and a huge mascot dressed in our colors 💚🖤There, we are warmly welcomed by the hospital staff and children.The last stop we made that day is the Care and Educational Facility "PODLEŚNA PRZYSTAŃ."The wards are waiting for us outside the facility with the Director.After greetings, we hand out sweet presents to all the kids.The most interesting gift is given to the Director.These are tickets to Santa Claus Village in Bałtów, which we were able to purchase thanks to your donations, for which we thank you from our hearts 💚🖤We also have cinema tickets funded by HELIOS CINEMA and a green and black mascot.We had one more attraction planned for the day.However, due to heavy snowfall, it couldn't take place because the match was canceled.NEVERTHELESS...This day was very special for us and brought great happiness and joy.We're glad we could spend this time with you 💚🖤See you next year... be nice 🤶 ZIELONO-CZARNY MIKOŁAJ "Dzieci z domu dziecka na meczu pucharowym" Drukuj 2644 Tagi: English Powiązane artykuły GREEN AND BLACK SANTA PART II
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