Kibice Razem / poniedziałek, 18 września 2023 / Kategorie: Lech Poznań COACH MACIEJ ŁASZYNSKI AFTER DEFEAT AGAINST POLONIA LESZNO: WE CAN PLAY BETTER The match of the 8th round of the IV league ended in a defeat for Lech against Polonia Leszno (1:2). The only goal for the Lechites came after a suicidal hit forced by a catch from Marcin Daniel. Two completely different halves of the last match is commented by coach Maciej Łaszyński.We record the third defeat of the season after two goals lost in the first half. Above all, there was a lack of proper determination in the first half?We still have problems with playing ninety minutes at full mobilization and proper aggression. For the first 45 minutes we were unable to develop goal situations. Unfortunately, we lost two goals after individual mistakes.After the break, the game began to mesh, resulting in the goal scored. We showed that with the right attitude we can dominate the opponent?In the second half we saw a completely different team, we started to play bolder and more aggressively. We created a lot of goal situations for ourselves, unfortunately we only managed to beat the hosts' goalkeeper once. We fought until the end for at least one point, unfortunately, in the end we did not manage to score an equalizing goal.This Sunday we face an away match against Victoria Września, who beat Ostrovia Ostrów Wielkopolski 3:0 last weekend. Can we base our optimism before this match on the second half against Polonia Leszno, fourth in the table?On Sunday we will face another difficult match against an opponent from the top of the table. We have to focus on ourselves, because the second half of the last match showed that we can play better. We have to be determined from the first to the last minute. That's the key to scoring in every match. Pogoń Grodzisk Maz. - GKS BEŁCHATÓW 3:1 (16.09.2023) Family picnic in Grabiszynek district Drukuj 2407 Tagi: English Powiązane artykuły Joint action of the Pogon - Lech Supporters United Centers COACH PIOTR JABŁECKI AFTER THE MATCH AGAINST KS DĘBIEC: TIME WILL PLAY IN OUR FAVOR
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