Kibice Razem / środa, 20 września 2023 / Kategorie: Lech Poznań COACH PIOTR JABŁECKI AFTER THE MATCH AGAINST KS DĘBIEC: TIME WILL PLAY IN OUR FAVOR Faith Lech's reserves defeated KS Dębiec 4:1 in their fourth league match, and we asked coach Piotr Jabłecki for a few words of commentary.This past weekend we got our second victory in a row, which is definitely gratifying, all the more so before the upcoming blockbuster in Golęczewo. What is the team's plan for the coming week?Sunday's win is gratifying, all the more so because we won points on very tough terrain. And I don't mean here the opponent, but the condition of the field on which we had to play. I sincerely sympathize with the teams training and playing matches there. As for the upcoming duel, of course we are facing a tough meeting, with a strong rival, but we treat it like any other, we do not change anything in our micro-cycle of training. As far as we know, unfortunately, on Saturday, the players of the reserves of Faith Lech will have to cope without you Coach, but surely the trainer will pass some valuable comments on the players of GKS, because he finally had the opportunity to coach them. What do we have to fear most from the team from Golęczewo?Exactly, unfortunately I will not be able to help the team personally. Due to my private affairs, we wanted to postpone this match to Sunday, but the home team did not agree to this request. In Saturday's match from the bench the team will be led by Coach Piotr Borowski. The focus is not on the opponent. I will give the trainer and the team more comments on the game of our team.Recent results allow us to look with optimism for the future. In the end, is it hard work in training, or maybe something else that brings the desired effect?As we all agreed at the beginning of the season, time will play in our favor. The team is huddling together, we have caught the rhythm of the matches and our game certainly looks better and better from match to match. However, we are also not going into hura-optimism after two victories, because we still have a lot of tough matches ahead of us. 186. NUMER GAZETKI „ZŁOCISTO- KRWIŚCI” Nie śpimy, Walczymy! Zbiórka dla Natalki Drukuj 6096 Tagi: English Powiązane artykuły Joint action of the Pogon - Lech Supporters United Centers COACH MACIEJ ŁASZYNSKI AFTER DEFEAT AGAINST POLONIA LESZNO: WE CAN PLAY BETTER
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