Kibice Razem / piątek, 8 grudnia 2023 / Kategorie: Ruch Chorzów Santa Claus in Orew Chorzów What a visit it was ☺️ Blue Santa Claus 🎅along with his helpers, FRelki from Fanatical Girls'1920 💙🤍 and the club's mascot Adler, visited the residents of OREW Chorzów, where we delivered 60 gifts for the children 🎁☃️. Our parade of Blue Santa Claus was warmly welcomed by all the children, with group photos, gift-giving, and dancing 😍, giving just a glimpse of how warmly we are always welcomed by the children and staff of the Center 🤩🤟.This is just the first magical number we're sharing with you, ✌️ and we'll present the next report from another Santa Claus visit later 😊.It was a day when we could bring many smiles to the faces of all these people 🤗😊We also want to thank the donors who helped prepare the Santa Claus gifts. The Lion Miedziak playing the role of Santa Claus Visit of Śląsk Fans at the Children's Home in Bierutów Drukuj 3454 Tagi: English
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